The money-making list-builder. Your business will never be the same again.
Growing your list can take years. Nurturing that list even...more years. That's a lot of years.
Imagine you could build your list while showing your prospect that you are smart, intuitive, and you're in their corner?
Then imagine you could segment your list at the sign-up stage so that you were super-clear on every single one of them - their needs, their pains, their desires.
The beauty of that? Pin-pointed marketing to each person. Trust. Higher open and click-throughs. Fewer unsubscribes. More sales. Because they actually want and need what you're selling.
What is this magic trove of sorcery?
You need a quiz
Hi, I'm Ashleigh!
...and I'm a Copyhackers-trained conversion copywriter, who's best known for her dollar-loving sales pages and engaging email copy.
Writing copy for high-impact launches, funnels for Carol Cox, Natalie Sisson, Lifehack Tribe, and being on the list of Selena Soo's select chosen copywriters has given me the edge when it comes to ROI. I also have a proven, solid framework that I use to make sure that every single word is performing at its peak to make you top dollar.
Quizzle me this...
Let's take a look at the goodness that awaits....
I offer two different quiz options, both with their own price points. Quizzes are quite complicated packages of goodness and they can take some time to develop. Really good quizzes are created with a solid strategy that builds an engaged audience, who are totally into you, then strengthens that relationship even further, and turns them into dedicated fans who want to learn from you.
We’re talking sales on the regular.
We can, however, create a ‘lighter’ quiz option. This option is more to offer fun and build your list, but won’t do any of the list segmentation.
Let’s jump in…
Step 1: Kickoff strategy session (90 mins/45 mins)
This is where the fun starts. It’s where I get to know your goals, vision for your quiz, your USP, and whom you want your quiz to target. You know your business like the back of your hand - now, I need to know it too!
Step 2: Finding precious messages (research)
This is allllll on me. It’s where I get nerdy and look at your competitors, your ICA, previous clients, and I binge on all your content. I go data mining, I stalk a bunch of people (not in a creepy way), and basically, I mine for gold.
Step 3: The conversion map
Here we put together an action plan and make sure that we’re on the same page. It’s based on your needs and my findings. I outline exactly what I need to do to help you
reach your goals.
Step 4: MAGIC
I start writing, executing the plan, refining, and making quiz gold. Your voice, expertise, and unique positioning come across loud and clear so that your audience becomes super fans.
Step 5: The tech bits
My team and I take care of all of this. The software, integration, tagging, segmenting…all done for you, while you do what you do best - telling your business's story.
Your list-building, conversion-guaranteed, super-fan-growing options
Package 1 - Quiz DeLuxe (the one that gives value on steroids)
90-Minute strategy session
jam-packed with questions, developed by the top copywriting and marketing minds in the world, for a strategic and metric-focused outcome.
A road map that outlines different ideas for your quiz, an overview of possible results, and an outline of everything we’ll be working on over the next six weeks together. It’s time to get JAZZED AND EXCITED!
One custom evergreen (highly shareable) authority-building quiz based on in-depth client research, competitor analysis, and data mining that’s built to connect and lead to conversions. This isn’t your average Buzzfeed quiz.
Quiz Setup and Conversion Optimisation - I don’t just create the quiz and then bounce. Oh hell, no!​ I make sure it’s working like a witch’s wand before you take over (and I'll teach you everything you need to know)
The all-important list segmentation so that you can target your emails and offers to EXACTLY the right people. Did someone say higher open rates? Higher click-through rates? Fewer unsubscribes? Yes, please!
Landing Page Copy
Post-Quiz Welcome Sequence which includes five emails following the results recap to establish the coveted know, like, and trust factor. We get them excited about what you have to offer and show them that hiring you won’t just solve their problem, it’ll improve their quality of life!
TOTAL: $15 500
Package 2 - Basic Quizzery
45-Minute strategy session
Client research, competitor analysis, data mining
A fully custom evergreen quiz that’s built to connect and lead to conversions. I weave together all the research and your vision and create something that you are proud to share with the world. People will get to know you, it’s highly shareable, and they see what they can expect from you when they join your world.
Quiz Setup (without Optimisation)
This quiz does not include list segmentation
​Landing Page Copy
​Post-Quiz Welcome Sequence
​A welcome email and results recap for each quiz outcome
Three emails following the results recap to establish the coveted know, like, and trust factor
We get them excited about what you have to offer and show them that hiring you won’t just solve their problem, it’ll improve their quality of life!
Total: $8 025
Got questions? Good! Email me at ashleigh@thestoryteam.org and tell me what's on your mind.